Honey is one of the most popular product in EU,and millions of consumers choose it as first choice in their food every day.
The European Union, wanting to promote European honey and make it a world leader product, created the BEE HONEY program.

The EU Bee Honey program of the European Union aims to promote the products of European beekeepers  and to strengthen the international branding of beekeeping throughout the European area and in all the world, emphasizing on quality, taste and food safety.

The main criteria for participating in the program and promotion are the excellent quality of the honey and the implementation of all international food safety systems that ensure an excellent quality and taste result and a completely safe product for the final consumer..

Within the framework of this program in Japan, U.A.E, and Saudi Arabia the cooperatives are ,BULGARIAN ORGANIC FOODS LTD (BOF), established in 47 ANTIM I STR, TARGOVISTE 7700, Bulgaria  and MELISSOKOMIKOS SYNETAIRISMOS NISOU THASOU (MELITHAS), established in PRINOS 0, THASOS 64010.

The main objectives of the promotion actions that are implemented are:
• Enhancing the image of European honey and to Increase existing level of exports
• increasing the competitiveness and consumption of Union agricultural products and to raise their profile highlighting the specific features of food safety
• traceability, authenticity labeling, nutritional and health aspects value and sustainability
• increase the awareness of the merits of Union honey by the consumers and to increase their market share in the three target countries

The activities have been chosen by taking into account the most reliable, up-to-date information and promotional channels that correspond to specific market needs. To this purpose the main characteristics of the target markets(consumer behavior,
demand,distribution network) and the corresponding target groups have been taken into account, in order to achieve the best possible result.


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Executive Agency (REA) do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains