Pilaf with nuts, honey and raisins

Pilaf with nuts, honey and raisins
  • 330 gr. rice
  • 1 tbsp. Salt
  • 900 ml vegetable broth
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 100 gr. whitened almonds
  • 100 gr. raisins
  • 100 gr. dried apricots, coarsely chopped
  • 100 gr. dates, coarsely chopped
  • 100 gr. walnuts
  • 30 gr. Gojiberry
  • 5 tbsp. flower honey


Boil the vegetable broth with salt.

Add the rice and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.

At the same time, heat the olive oil in a pan and roast the almonds, walnuts, raisins, apricots, and dates for 5-10 minutes over medium heat.

Add the honey, mix well and add the mixture to the rice for the last five minutes.

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