Stuffed dates with honey

Stuffed dates with honey
  • 25 dates
  • 30 gr. walnuts
  • 20 gr. Sesame
  • 30 gr. white almonds
  • 1/2 tbsp. Cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp. forest honey
  • Grate an organic orange
  • 1 tbsp. butter at room temperature
  • Betel
  • 30 gr. peanuts from Aegina


Roast the almonds, walnuts and sesame seeds in a pan without oil.

Leave them to cool and mix with the cinnamon, honey and orange zest.

Finely chop them with a blender and mix them with the butter.

Open the dates with a knife lengthwise in two and remove the stone.

Fill each date with the mixture and close it.

Finely chop the pistachios, mix them with the coconut and put them on  the dates.

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